Well the holidays came and went and I didn’t write a single post about it here. If you follow my Instagram you got a whole
I have no idea how to begin this article…if possible it would be with a very satisfied look on my face. Oh wait here I
Those who know me, know that just the name of this bakery is enough to beckon me there. But as luck would have it, their
I don’t know what it was that caused my taco craving, but it was something fierce. Me, who loooooves my charming neighborhood, les Batignolles, and
I got to test having a private chef cook us a meal worthy of a luxury hotel restaurant, at home! Forget about sweating in the
An “Epicerie” in French is an entire concept. For some time now it has technically been the mini mart down on the corner where you
I’m sitting in this new little neighborhood restaurant, grocer, café, called l’Instant. I’m enjoying a rare free moment. And no lie, “One Momemt in Time,
Guillaume, we call him the crêpe guy at the Marché des Batignolles, makes the most amazing crêpes. He sources his buckwheat flour locally to be
My grand return after a nine year absence to my hometown village on Cape Cod was well rewarded. Not only were we welcomed with open
Or as I like to call it, The New Treize! Laurel and Kajsa, the dynamic duo of 13 A Baker’s Dozen, have done it again