I probably would never have treated myself to such an extravagant meal had it not been for my very good friend, Alana, who is also
Le Clan Des Jules We found this fantastic little place on rue Brochant in the 17th. It has everything you would want on a cold
Again out on an evening stroll along the Seine, I once more found myself armed with my camera, and free to capture as many shots
Paris Fashion Week AW14 Post by Paul Waters It’s a Monday evening and I am standing in line at the Icram center a space more
Post By Charles Gillman. It was a Wednesday afternoon under yet an additional grey Paris day. There I was on the Faubourg Saint Honoré collecting
So the street fashion and people watching was great at Issey Miyake, but Viktor & Rolf was fabulous! Again on a lunch break I trotted
I have been in Paris for over 11 years now. Wow. It seems so long to me. And no matter how many times I go
… I skipped over to the Tuileries fashion week tent on my lunch the other day to snap some street style shots outside of the