Paul Waters a.k.a. “Pastry Boy” of Cake & Bake invited me over to his boutique on rue Lancry in the 10th for an in depth demonstration of how to decorate a cake in fondant. Little did I know the surprise he had in store for me! He had conceptualized a cake just for Prête-Moi Paris! I was thrilled to watch the “sculpting” happen right before my very eyes, and to capture it all on video for you. In addition to being photogenic and just plain charming, Paul also has an expert hand, it meticulous when creating his masterpieces. He always made sure everything was just perfect! And of course, made it all look sooooooo easy in the process!
See what he is capable of here…and hold on to your bakers hats…this video goes fast!
Cake & Bake from Prete Moi Paris on Vimeo.

All of the baking supplies needed to create cakes like this can be found in his shop (5 rue Lancry 75010, Paris) and on his website : …I felt like a kid in a candy shop there. (C’est un peu le cas de le dire!) All the possibilities I could create came flooding into my imagination at once…
A great thanks to Paul for his time and talents!!!!
Paul is also has his own line of products (did you see that fabulous apron he has on?!? That’s his design!), under the brand name “Pastry Boy“.

Try your hand at something like the Prête-Moi Paris cake, with Paul’s recipes:
Butter Cream:
200g of Soft Butter
400g of Icing Sugar
120ml of Full Fat Cream
1. Place the butter in a mixing bowl fitted with a K-beater, beat on high speed until the butter is soft and pale in color. Don’t hesitate to leave the mixer beating for quite some time. The more mixer action the butter gets, the fluffier the frosting will be! Gradually add the icing sugar and leave to mix on high speed for a few mins. Once the mixture is light in color and fluffy in texture on slow speed slowly add the cream until it is well incorporated. Flavors and extracts can be added according to taste.
Quick Mix Vanilla Sponge Cake:
250g of Flour
225g of Sugar
Pinch of Salt
1 Tea Spoon of Baking Powder
225g of Butter or 180g of Oil
4 Eggs
Vanilla Essence/ Flavor
Preheat the oven to 160°C/180°C
1. Cream the butter and sugar together in a mixer on high speed or with a spoon by hand and mix well.
2. Add the eggs slowly and briefly mix, do not over beat.
3. Add the flour and other dry ingredients bit by bit mixing well after each addition, then add some vanilla essence or flavoring of your choice, or even some food coloring!
5. Spoon the prepared mix into a standard 15cm (7,5cm high) greased round cake tin, bake for 40 to 50 minutes in the center of the oven. The cake should be spongy to the touch, golden brown in color and a cake tester/ skewer will come out clean once inserted.
50g of Sugar
100g of Water
Essence/ Extrait/ Flavor of your choice.
1. Place the sugar and water in a saucepan, boil until the sugar is dissolved, once cool add some flavoring of your choice. Using a pastry brush, brush over your cake to keep it moist and fresh.
Bonne dégustation!
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Pretty in Pink… my sweet tooth is craving:)
Gorgeous non?!? If you want to try out your baking skills, Paul has everything you need at his shop in the 10th. 🙂
Beautiful! Will have to try to make this one for sure!
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otima ideia o bolo ficou lindo
How fun and fabulous! That cake is fantastic. I especially love the two poodles kissing…so cute! 🙂