Bébé Chéri’s Circus Nursery
With a lot of web searching, a little DIY and some luck, I was able to create my ideal Paris circus nursery for Bébé Chéri. Ever since my circus themed wedding, I can’t seem to get enough of this fun inspiration. And now that Bébé Chéri is just about here (due April 2nd, 2015), I have finally finished his bedroom, and I am quite happy with it. After a lot of searching, and many happy “finds” I was able to create the exact ambiance I was hoping for : circus/carnival theme for a kid without it being too “babyish” and without over doing it too much. (Did I over-do it? You’ll tell me if I over-did it right???). I have listed here where I found most of the nursery decor, just in case any of you readers are searching. I can’t tell you that it will all be available, but at least you can get some ideas and inspiration!

We got the furniture from Ikea, so, not super expensive. Yay! But it fits the style I was looking for. I didn’t want furniture that looked too functional. And most of what we saw at the baby specialty stores in Paris, like Aubert, were not so charming. Props to Ikea for offering something that is not expensive, functional AND cute!
White for the changing table/dresser,and white for the armoire. A soft elephant gray for the crib.
The crib bumper (or tour de lit as we say in French) I found that at Maisons du Monde, along with the carnival garland hanging above the changing table. I was thrilled with their circus collection and had to really stop myself from getting everything. THAT would have been over-doing it!
The red shelves and the colored storage boxes for future toys, were also from Ikea, as well as the white star light.
The red and turquoise stars that hang in the center of the room we found on our recent trip to Hamburg at Butlers. We also got Bébé Chéri a Steiff bear and “doudou” while in Germany. Couldn’t resist!
The circus canopy above the armoire is an Ikea hack. I didn’t like the original bunting so I cut it of and added my own. I also dyed the canopy a slightly more vibrant blue (before adding the bunting). The dye I found from this fabulous French textile crafting site that not only sells, but also offers intructions on how to use certain products.
The circus wall sticker I found at cmonpremier.com a great store for all things baby and kids in France, where you can also have a birth registry. The wall sticker was the very last one they had, boy was I happy to have spotted it when I did!
The round rug, and (elephant) grey curtains came from Ikea as well as the accessory storage that is on the dresser shelf. The red and yellow striped curtain tie backs came from the Marché Saint Pierre. I don’t remember where I got that red and purple curtain (that functions to camouflage a storage cupboard with no door), most certainly one of those cheap stores around the Marché Saint Pierre. I have had it for about as long as I have known Chéri. The white window veil I hand made (and hand stitched). It took a while…
I did a DIY project for the hot air balloon light using things found at Ikea and the bottom of a Pierre Marcolini chocolate box.
The pictures on the wall were found both at Westwing, and at Jardin D’Ulysse two great home decor addresses. Westwing is a sort of European version of online shopping site Kings Lane, and Jardin d’Ulysse is a brick and mortar and online boutique.
The top hat is vintage I got from a Paris vintage market years ago, and the diaper cake was made with love by my Frenchie Bestie!
Bébé Chéri’s bedroom is now my favorite room in the apartment. I hope he finds it as fun and charming as I do!
PS : I know this is not the typical Paris post that you, dear readers, are used to (aka : restaurant reviews, boutique and fashion articles etc…) but it is a fun little glimpse into my Parisian life that I thought you might enjoy!
*Bisous from Paris!*