Why Visit Paris in November
Post by Jenny Baily

What do you call a person who jumps off the Pont Alexandre III in November? In Seine.
With the blague du jour out of the way, here are some other amusing activities going on in the capital this month.
31 Oct-4 Nov. – Contemporary Art Fair

Known as Grand Marché d’Art Contemporain to the locals, this artistic affair takes place in the city’s famous Place de la Bastille. With more than 500 live artists (from painters and sculptors to ceramists) presenting their latest works, not only is this five-day event one of the country’s largest art fairs, but it’s also the 41st edition of the occasion. Tickets cost €10 and can be found here: http://www.joel-garcia-organisation.fr/ev_244.html
7-17 Nov. – Bastille Antique Fair

Also based in the Place de la Bastille, if you’ve got a penchant for antiques, this biannual fair is the place to go. Featuring stalls from around 350 first and second-hand dealers, for €10 you’ll have free rein to scan the classic items on offer from silverware and ceramics to furniture and linen. For tickets and more information about the fair, check out the official website here. http://www.joel-garcia-organisation.fr/ev_257.html
15-17 Nov. – Le PhotobookFest

Recently launched by the Paris Photobook Club, if you’re a sucker for some seriously striking snaps, then this is the event for you. Taking place over three days in the heart of Belleville at L’Ancienne Imprimerie (Picture Tank), and at Le Bar Floréal, the weekend’s occasion is the first edition of its kind and aims to support both new and independent publishing houses through a series of books on display, workshops and lectures from industry experts. To snag a spot, check out the site here: http://photobookclub.org/index.php/2013/10/08/le-photobookfest-15-17-november-in-paris/
25 Nov. – Paris Movie Walk at Shakespeare & Company

If you’re a bit of a film buff, then this free tour will be right up your street – quite literally as the author of Paris Movie Walks himself (Michael Schuermann) will be leading the 60-90 minute excursion through all his favourite cinematic spots. From Notre Dame Cathedral to Le Rive Gauche, he’ll show you where some of the city’s most classic flicks were shot including An American in Paris, A Bout de Souffle and Before Sunset to name just a few. For more information and directions to the venue, click here: http://www.shakespeareandcompany.com/index.php?categories=115:1
27 Nov. – Universal Reggae Festival

Et finalement, an artsy boho trip to Paris would never be complete without a little reggae. Starting at 7pm, you can catch this funky event at Cabaret Sauvage in the city’s arty Parc de la Villette. With this year’s headliners including the likes of Ijahman Levi, The Banyans, Baron Black and Kayamanga, the event promises some of the genre’s most coveted performers. For more information about tickets and location, browse the main website here: https://www.koalitick.com/fr/events/concerts/ijahman-levi-cabaret-sauvage
If you’re looking for a place to stay in Paris, have a look at some of the offers from Holiday Discount Centre (www.holidaydiscountcentre.co.uk).
Your blague du jour is great, I’ll use it again!