City of Paris Monument Outdoors Photography Pretty!

Pretty Paris Pictures : Le Louvre Area

Le Louvre is a fantastic place to sit and snap photographs with a great zoom lens. It has been quite some time since I just wandered the city with my camera, and I got the chance to get away  recently and snap shots to my heart’s content.

Louvre Pyramid Paris

The façade of the gigantic monument is full of detail to discover. So many sculpted allegories, statues of historical figues long gone, cherubs, and classical architectural elements; there is a plethora to explore on the Louvre museum as well as in the Louvre.
Louvre detail  Louvre detail
Louvre detailI love the methodical organisation of the Louvre’s architecture. It’s massive structure offers such abundant space for repetition, and symmetrical beauty, that is peppered with varied sculptures to break up the monotony just only slightly. I find there is a steadfastness to it that is reassuring.   Louvre detail

Louvre detail  Louvre detail

Louvre detail  Once I had had an eyeful of the Louvre, I headed over to the Seine to see what they had done with the Pont des Arts since all the Love Locks were removed. I’m not sure if what they have instaled is temporary, I am assuming i is, but it’s fun and modern, and offers a delightful contrast to this very classical quarter. The wavey looking “street art” also offers a splash of color to those color muted river shots.   Pont Des Arts 2015

Pont Des Arts Eiffel Tower  A stroll around the center of Paris armed with my camera is also a chance to dive into the details that I so love about this city. The cobblestones, the lamposts, rooftops, the metro signs against the sky draw me in and remind me of how I love to see the city from every angle.   cobblestones

Paris Rooftops  Metro sign

Street lamps at the Louvre  I was hoping for a pink sky sunset, but I had no such luck that evening. Nonetheless it was a beautiful light across the river that slowly gave way to the night. La Seine Crepuscule

1 Comment

  1. Lovely images – every one of them. While Dorothy might say there’s no place like home, I think there’s no place like Paris. Thanks for capturing her so well 🙂

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