Let me begin by stating that this massage came at a much needed time. In my 8th month of pregnancy, you can imagine how the
Nestled in between the Batignolles and the Épinettes neighborhoods, you can find this gated community that is open to the pedestrian public during certain hours.
Waaaay back in 2011, I posted a little Valentine’s Day blog post about this lovely sculpture by Falconet that is in the collection at the
I haven’t blogged much about the pandemic, just a little bit and here, but this 3rd confinement has made me notice a few things that
21 years and running this delightful tradition is upheld by an auto club called Vincennes en Anciennes. Twice a year they have the authorization to
I discovered this artist thanks to one of my favorite Instragram acquaintances, @Batignollesspot who shines a light on people and business of my neighborhood. (She