Efyse, French Style & Elegance
When Efyse contacted me about their French fashion brand, I was immediately swept away by the perfect simplicity and elegance of the design style.
I work in fashion and I keep an eye on what is new, and lately, these past several years it’s not always thrilling to me. I feel like fashion is constantly either looking in the rearview mirror or admiring it’s own navel so-to-speak, and applauding each new exaggeration of what has already been more-or-less done before.
I do understand the whole artistic statement that goes with each designer’s creations, but at some point can we all admit that these are clothes, and they need to be worn by people in real life!?!

Personally, I prefer fashion that stands the test of time and compliments the body of those who wear it. Kind of like how make-up on a daily basis should enhance natural beauty, not alter the face (unless of course for a specific occasion). But we live in an age where people alter everything with a needle, a product or scalpel and fashion is fast and only lasts for a few months a best.
Efyse brings back a taste for the timeless, that elusive french style that I have always sought out ever since moving here.
Uncomplicated and elegant and comfortable; exactly what Emmanuelle (and myself) was looking to offer : Simple elegant dresses for a modern working woman’s wardrobe. She wanted something chic but that retained a sense of style that isn’t easy to find unless you are a client in the high end luxury boutiques, and well most of us are not. Efyse was created out of her own necessity for working, chic fashion and thus a brand was born.
And the added touch of naming items after places in Paris just really gets me! It’s that little detail, the thought put into it, that makes it perfect.
I took an “Eiffel” dress (my favorite!) and a “Montaigne” handbag for a spin in the Palais Royal gardens. The dress is well designed, cut to fit my figure with a little stretch for ease. It has a hint of padding in the shoulders to give me a smidge of structure while remaining feminine and sober. The handbag has two straps, one large for the shoulder and a thin adjustable strap for crossbody wear. It has enough space for a wallet, keys, a phone, lipstick and a metro card. Daily essentials. It is a small structured bag yet is made with a luscious leather that is soft to the touch. It’s perfect and I don’t get mad at it! (You know what I mean, those of you who get mad at your bags because you can’t find anything in them!!!) 😂 #amiright
You too can find her Parisian style dresses (and leather bags) online.
Which dress would you wear?
Tell me in the comments below. Have fun browsing!
a great post by an amazing author and model!
Elegance describes perfectly in one word how I felt when I saw the photos.