Fall Colors in Paris – Les Batignolles
Chéri and I took some time on a Sunday in early November to just have a lovely lazy stroll around the park down the street from us (two actually), the new Martin Luther King park and the Square des Batignolles. It was somewhat of a Fall Colors stroll, since that is what we did in New England where I grew up, sought out the Fall Colors.
Granted the colors here pale in comparison to those found in Conneticut, Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts, but it was a quintessential Fall afternoon complete with crisp air, blue skies, birds of a feather, and the kind of weather that makes you hold each other closer… One of the best kinds of weather (second only to the lounging on a chair by the sea in Italy weather…) Hmmm Mmm!
We even met a lady who was walking her pet ferret. I didn’t want to scare her though by snapping pictures of it, since she seemed rather attatched to the aging little rodent, so the furry friend will not grace the page of this blog post… But there was a snarky gull who seemed to be after the poor animal and had Mrs Ferret Owner very worried.

It was nice to have no agenda, gather pretty fall leaves to use as decoration in our home, smell the chilly air, watch the pond life splash around and enjoy time uncontested with imperatives and things that demand our attention. Busy city life often makes us forget to stop and smell the roses fall leaves.
And if you want to know, we weren’t the only ones indulging in a little down-to-earth-wholesome time wasting in a vegetated area… Plenty of water fowl were stretching their wings and beaks about , and we even spotted a man nestled amongst the tall grass (planted by the city of Paris mind you) have a quiet reading session with himself. It could have been fairly easy to forget we were in Paris amongst all this lovely scenery.
And then we sealed our Sunday stroll with a kiss and headed back to reality (aka : emails, ironing and what to make for dinner). Ah… life and the little things…
Looks like a lovely day!
It was Mel!