A little perfume giveaway
So I blogged about a recent perfume launch by Andy Tauer at the Marie Antoinette boutique, and promised a little giveaway…
Well, here it is!
Want to know what this very artisanal, very inspired perfume smells like??? FOUR of you lovely readers will get a sample of the Miriam perfume that was presented at the perfume launch, in a package designed by Andy tauer with a CD of the trailer for the Brian Pera movie Women’s Pictures, and an explanation on lovely printed calc paper.
Just a little something small for free!
How to enter?
1. Follow Andy Tauer on TWITTER.
2. Like Marie Antoinette’s FACEBOOK page
3. Comment HERE with your twitter handle and Facebook name, and what floral scents are your favorite!
4. Be social about it! Post this to your twitter or facebook : “I just entered little perfume giveaway http://t.co/wj0REAG3 by @PreteMoiParis”
The contest end on May 1st at noon, Paris time.
Voilà! Bonne chance!

So cutey!
twitter: @szappanbubbi
tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/szappanbubbi/status/193428884451115008
FB:Szabina Luzics
My fave florla scents are magnolia, hyacinth, tea-rose and jasmine 🙂
Thank you for playing! And guess what!?! You are one of the winners! Please email me your address so I may mail your prize to you! (Pretemoiparis (at) gmail.com)
FB:Szabina Luzics
twitter: @szappanbubbi
tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/szappanbubbi/status/193428884451115008
My favourite floral scents are magnolia, lily, tea-rose, hyacinth and jasmine 🙂
I love tea-rose scents too… 🙂
My favourite scent is lavender.
Lovely Lili! Don’t forget to tweet, like the Marie Antoinette facebook page, follow @tauerPerfumes on twitter and let me know what your FB and twitter handles are!
Hey there Lili! You are one of the winners! Please email me your address so I may mail your prize to you! (Pretemoiparis (at) gmail.com)
Twitter: nva_victoria
Facebook: Victoria Nava
I love Flowerbomb V&R 🙂
Thank you for playing Tora!
Great news! You are one of the winners! Please email me your address so I may mail your prize to you! (Pretemoiparis@gmail.com)
I’m a guy. I don’t know what floral scents are. Is musk on? I like musk. And sometimes citrony ones. And woody. But wood isn’t a flower, I’m ready to concur with you on that one, sorry.
Oops, and on Twitter I’m @Sab_in_Paris and Facebook I’m SabParis I think. This: http://www.facebook.com/sabparis
Thanks for playing! 🙂
Hi Sab! Musk is certainly a perfume scent, but I wouldn’t say it is floral… heeheehee! Perhaps I should have asked what people’s favorite schents are in general. But actually I LOVE musk and woodsy scents too.
Hmmm… so many scents to choose from – I think amber would be lovely and I have tweeted your contest Melissa. Will send it via Facebook on my PerfectlyParis page shortly as well !!
Thanks for playing Gail! You are one of the winners! Please email me your address so I may mail your prize to you! (Pretemoiparis@gmail.com)
Bonjour. I am Yves Fey on Twitter and my pro FB page. My favorite florals are Lutens’ A la Nuit and Rosine’s Rose d’Ete and Diablo Rose. Still hunting for a true gardenia.
Bonjour Yves. Thanks for your enthusiasm, but the contested ended already dear! Maybe I’ll do another one soon. 🙂