Snack : Organic Delivery!

I randomly found online this fun site that allows you to order a snack, that is organic, online. I am a HUGE fan of delivery, a concept that has not caught on here much.
I remember, wistfully, those days visiting friends and family in New York when you can call up any restaurant you want (almost) and order food to be delivered to your door. I almost tried to get Thai food delivered once here, but the entire thing was going to cost over 60 euros! What a rip off! It was like over 20 euros JUST for the delivery.
So when I went to this little website and they have written in bold “free delivery” I was immediately drawn in!
The products are organic snack foods such as dried fruits and berries, nut, seedsand grains.
It is also fun because you get to chose what combinations you want your box to consists of.
you get 4 little compartments in the simple box, and each one is possible to eat seperately.
It arrives within 2 days.
It’s healthy.
And Delicious!
Total cost for mine : under 6 euros! (Okay, I’m sure I can get a bag of organic snacks at the organic grocery store for less, like for 5 euros probably, but this is way more fun, AND the biggest draw for me : IT’S DELIVERED!
Enjoy yours and let me know if you order some!
PS : I am not being paid or priviledged for this blog post. I purchased my own box!