La Cité des Fleurs
Nestled in between the Batignolles and the Épinettes neighborhoods, you can find this gated community that is open to the pedestrian public during certain hours. La Cité des Fleurs is a charming cobblestone street that was the real estate dream project of Jean-Edmé Lhenry et Adolphe Bacqueville de la Vasserie (what a name!) and began in 1847.

With its abondant foliage and villas all built according to very strict codes, this community has retained it’s charm over the past 170 odd years. And in spite of it’s rather bourgeois flare, it does house a parish and a few non profit associations.

Some of the restrictions and requirements set by the founding architects were height limits to the buildings, a minimum number of trees in the front garden, and a Medicine flower pot on top of each pillar separating the gates of the homes.

Famous past residents include artist Lucien Fontanarosa in the 1960’s an 70’s; Catherine Deneuve and her sister were both born in a clinic that used to be on this street; a group of resistance during WWII was there as well, making false identification documents.

Now it’s a place to experience a short 230 meter stroll where the sounds of the city fade away. There are specific hours for non residents to access and the rules are posted at the entrance.

Cité des Fleurs 154 avenue de Clichy – 59 rue de la Jonquière – Paris 17
Open to the public : Monday to Saturday de 7h to 19h, Sunday and bank holidays 7h to 13h