Kodak Moments : Remember When…

Article by Melissa Ladd
Raise your hand if you remember when we used to bring our camera film to the photo shop to get developed. Remember when we didn’t know what the images looked like beforehand? Remember the excitement we had when we would go pick them up!?! Oh I do, I remember those magical moments of opening that Kodak envelope with baited breath, hoping the shots came out how we had hoped, and even if the pictures that didn’t come out great they were precious, because they expose and illustrate a moment in our lives that we find important enough to capture and print onto photo paper. Remember when paper pictures were all we had?!?
It’s important not to forget the importance of pictures, real paper pictures. It’s important to remember to make hard copies of those precious moments, our favorite moments, because pictures are more than just an image to “like” or comment on on facebook or instagram, pictures are all that’s left from fleeting moments that pass all too quickly. KODAK MOMENTS has a new tool that helps us keep those moments so easily, that it’s as simple as using a smartphone app.
(Free and easy giveaway below…)
KODAK MOMENTS understands how important images, memories and pretty pictures are to us these days, so they have included an editing tool in the app. Now we can all print perfect pictures of our precious moments!
Oh and instagram fans…you can even print square format photos… how do you like that?!?

I have hundreds and hundreds of photos of Bébé Chéri, and I can’t print them all, but my favorites, I should, and have already! I am putting them in a baby album for him, just like my mother used to do for me. It’s so worth it to turn a handful of those digital photos into framable pictures. It something you can hold on to forever. Memories.
Some of my favorite moments from this past Summer (probably the best Summer of my life as I got to spend it all with Bébé Chéri) like the time I showed him the Eiffel Tower for the first time, or when we went to Deauville with him for his first trip away from Paris, or the first time I brought him on the merry-go-round, or the whole month that Mama Chérie spent with us after he was born… There are so many amazing moments to capture and print on paper. And I can do it all from my phone or tablet!
The app is super user friendly. It takes me all of a minute to order my photos in the morning, and I can pick them up on my way home in the evening. Or I could even go to the shop and via the connection on the KODAK MOMENTS photo printing computer, I can have my photos ordered and printed right away while I wait. Isn’t technology fantastic!
After I picked up my first order of picture prints, I felt that excitement that I used to get when picking up my developed photos back in the day. And even though I knew what the pictures already looked like (not like the old days when we used film) it was still thrilling to open the Kodak envelope and see them on paper! And someday when Bébé Chéri is older, we will take out his baby photo album, and remember when…
KODAK MOMENTS is offering some free prints to some of our readers! The first five people to comment below will get a free code to use with the Kodak Moments app. Contest on Instagram as well! (See contest rules below)
Download the app for free on the App Store or Google Play.
Enjoy getting your photo prints!
More articles with more KODAK MOMENTS giveaways will happen soon… stay tuned.
Contest Rules
Vos 10 premières photos offertes, au format 10x15cm, commandées depuis l’appli smartphone KODAK MOMENTS avec service retrait en magasin : Click & Collect 1h (hors connexion Wifi).
Your first 10 prints are free, for the format 10X15cm, ordered from your smartphone app KODAK MOMENTS with the store pick-up service : Click & Collect 1h (not including the wifi connection cost).
Offre valable du 1er septembre 2015 au 31 octobre 2015, limitée à une utilisation par foyer, en France métropolitaine, uniquement dans les magasins partenaires (*).
Offer valid from Sept. 1st to Oct. 31st 2015, limited to one useper household, in Metropolitan France, only in partnered stores.
Pour bénéficier de cette promotion,
To use your code,
1- Téléchargez l’appli KODAK MOMENTS dès maintenant (sur App Store ou Google play)
Download the app KODAK MOMENTS on the App Store or Google play
2- Commandez vos photos en Click & Collect
Order your photos with Click & Collect
3- Choisissez l’option de livraison : « Retrait en magasin »
Chose the option “store pick-up” (“livraison en magasin”)
4- Saisissez le code promo (usage unique)
Type in your code (single use)
5- Récupérez vos photos dans le magasin de votre choix (*) le jour même !
Collect your photos in the store you chose* the same day.
(*) : magasins partenaires, hors magasins Carrefour. Voir liste dans l’appli.
Partnered stores, not including Carrefour.See the list on the app.
Bon à savoir : Pas de magasin partenaire à proximité ? Profitez quand même de vos photos offertes en choisissant l’option « Livraison à domicile ». Seuls les frais de traitement et d’expédition seront à votre charge. Vous recevrez vos photos par la poste, sous quelques jours.
If there is no store near you, you can still get your free prints by chosing the option : “livraison à domicile” (home delivery). You will only have to pay for the shipping charges and you will get your pictures via the postal service in a few days.
What a great idea – nothing beats a printed out picture 🙂
Catriona Thanks for commenting, your code has been sent by email!