Le Brunch…

…Le Brunch is a big deal here in Paris. Or maybe it is a world wide phenomenon going on. Because Sunday morning my instagram is choc full of brunch images from both sides of the Atlantic and even elsewhere in the world from all the trendy and interesting people I follow. I have gone out to brunch in Paris a few times, but generally I save that for a big occasion. Why? Because I work Saturdays and I just can’t drag myself out of bed (nor Chéri either for that matter!), and get dressed, do my hair (because non, I don’t leave the house and go out into the City of Lights without looking presentable, and yes, you can snicker and call me Parisian, I will take it as a compliment!). Sundays are sacred for me and Chéri. We rest. At home mostly.
But all those brunch photos!!!!!

Part of me feels like I am missing out almost. I see the check-ins at some of the trendiest places by my friends on social media, and I think that perhaps I am lacking in my trendy Paris habits. But I can’t tell you how absolutely unmotivated I am to move on Sundays!!!! Especially when I have all the time in the world (within a 24 hour limit of course) to spend with Chéri!). So we don’t brunch….out. Not one to miss an opportunity for something simple and indulgent, I am glad we have started a tradition of brunch, chez nous! Sometimes (mostly in Winter) we have brunch in bed, with our fantastic folding trays, or in the salon when the sun streams in through the windows… And we put on PBS news or John Stewart and indulge in lots of tea, muesli, pancakes when I am feeling ambitious, soft-boiled eggs, kosher croissants (dairy free baby!) and other such delightful things. And the whole of it…In. Our. Pajamas.
I’m sorry, but no trendy breakfast joint can beat that!
What’s your brunch story?!?
*Bisous de Paris*
Image sources
LOVE that you two have that tradition! You can get or make brunch any morning really but that time together on Sundays is priceless.
Perfect! This is ideal. I completely agree…there’s no place like home (Sorry, I had to go there; you can take the girl out of Kansas but….)!!
I just noticed brunch being a big thing the last time I was in Paris. I didn’t remember that being a trend any of the previous times I’d been there. I’m wondering if over the past few years, the city is adopting it kind of like New York. Not a bad trend, of course. But just something I noticed.