Science et Mer Paris
I was recently invited to a presentation event of Science & Mer Paris products that took place in their lovely offices just be hind the Madeleine.
We were introduced to a brand that holds it’s clout in the scientific research used to create the cosmetics they sell. These laboratories, Science & Mer, produce cosmetics for many other brands (although they are restricted by contract from revealing which ones) for the past 25 years, and they finally decided to create their own brand to be able to profit from all that research and development that they do!

They specialize in products made with algae and seaweeds from the Brittany coast (about 15 different kinds of algae), but not the kinds that you go “iiiiiick” at when you are at the beach and swim frantically to clearer parts of the water to escape those clingy sea plants. They use algae that is harvested much further out and much deeper down. All sorts of variations and species are used, and are treated in their laboratories in Brittany where they test these sea plants for their cosmetics.
The brand Science et Mer is almost organic, about 90%, but in order to make the products look and feel beautiful and comfortable, they have that last ten percent as non-organic elements. But they remain high quality and carfeully selected elements.

I have been using their products since the soirée, and I have to say, I love them. My skin feels smooth and healthy every morning when I put on the face cream, and the body lotion.
Enjoy Lauren Cahswell’s video of the soirée and presentation fo the products as well as a few of us who speak about our favorite product from their line (some speak in French and others in Englsih!). We’d like to thak the ladies of Science et Mer for being great and spontaneous and sharing their opinions with us. (Even the president of the company played along!!) Merciiii à toutes!!!!
Video by Lauren Cashwell
We are launching a giveaway soon (Aug. 4th 2012-Sept 4th 2012)… where a lucky winner will get one facial cream and one body lotion! Check back soon to enter the contest!