Paris Set Me Free – Paris street photography competition
International Paris Street Photography Competition With Sab of Paris If You Please

Prête-Moi Paris is proud to be a sponsor of this innovative event in Paris, imagined by Sab Will of Paris If You Please.
There will be a monthly competition, and a yearly competition. You may enter every month, but only win first place one month out of the year. You will however be eligible for 2nd and 3rd place every month! Each month the first place winners will be entered into the final annual competition, but for the final competition of the year ONE extra spot will be left open for competitors who have not yet won a monthly contest.
Win a Nikon by entering three photos in our monthly photo competition on Flickr – Go to the Flickr page here to join the group and enter your pics. Also, go to this page on Facebook to see and hear Sab’s introductory video:
This is a combined effort with some other great people running Paris-based sites such as Paris Daily Photo (Eric), Guide2Paris (Jon), Prête-Moi Paris (moi) and Prissy Mag (Priscilla), with more getting on board all the time. And with sponsors comes MORE PRIZES!
Here are the rules and how to enter. Please respect them so we can run a fantastic group:
1) You may enter three (no more and no less -it must be THREE) Paris pictures at the same moment (so they are next to each other) each month. People entering less than three will have them deleted. People entering more than three will have numbers 4, 5, etc. removed, and receive a friendly warning and suggestion they (re)read these rules.
2) You took the shots and own all rights to them.
3) You give us full permission to use them for non-profit making purposes in the context of the promotion of this competition on any or all of the participating sites including web sites, blogs, sponsors’ sites, Facebook pages etc. under the condition that you are always credited with at least your name, and, if appropriate, a link back to the original image or a related web site of your choice.
4) Images must have been taken in Paris, France, but it doesn’t matter when.
5) Once entered, pictures cannot be entered again, even if they didn’t win anything.
6) Respect usual norms of decency.
7) Our definition of ‘street photography’ is ‘unplanned’ events or images captured spontaneously in the street, so things like your own model shoot, or silly product placement wouldn’t work. Common sense will prevail, and you just need to look at the images in this group to see the limits of what’s acceptable.
8) You need to have full permission for posting pictures showing people who are clearly identifiable. In posting such images here, you are explicitly guaranteeing that you have this permission and we are not responsible in ANY way for any consequences arising from your actions. Be sensible and sensitive.
9) The judges’ decision is final.
10) You retain full rights to all your images, but in order to be eligible for prizes you agree to the conditions of use of your pictures as stated in 3) above.
11) Have fun, participate in discussions, be nice, friendly, positive
Great initiative!!
I’ll get my other me (@LHWPhotography on ) to get moving and try and send some photos!! 😉
Thanks for organizing and good luck with your lovely shot! ♥
Leonor! Fabulous!! Sab has always been great about organizing cool things like this and I am thrilled to sponsor his initiative!!!!!! Can’t wait to see what photos you enter… 🙂
Melissa what a fantastic photo contest opportunity congratulations on your involvement and Sab looks like he has some great ideas!!! I will post it on FB with the link.
I wanted to thank-you for taking the time to enter my giveaway I really appreciated your lovely comment and support.
I wish you all the best for your upcoming wedding how exciting to be married in Paris I am sure your twin sister and you will have a magical day ( as well as your husband)!!!
Carla xx
Carla! Thank you. I would have loved to win your contest but there is another lucky lady out there whom I am sure needed it more than I! But I would love to collaborate with you someday perhaps. To be brainstormed… Thank you for promoting this photo contest! I greatly appreciate it.
Carla, hi! I second Melissa in thanking you for helping promote the photo competition – it’s monthly, you know! – and the more the merrier 🙂 Hope to see your three shots in there shortly ;~Sab