Founder :

Melissa Ladd : Moi. Founder and “creative director” if-you-will of Prête-Moi Paris since October 2009, I have been living in Paris since 2002, and still find it to be the most fascinating place in the world. I am a writer and creative person who studied French and literature. I also have a background in dance and theater, hence the occasional dramatic post! 😉 And then of course, I have my muse : Paris. Find me on twitter under PreteMoiParis ; instagram ; pinterest ; flickr and on facebook… These are my “Pieces of Paris!”
Contributors :

Frank Cierpial Recently moved to Paris, but has been spending time in the city of light since 2007. One of the most passionate people you could ever meet, enthusiastic about France, all things French and Paris, he is almost as equally passionate about Jean Paul Gaultier and fashion and hopes to work in that industry in Paris when he is finished with his studies. Frank is currently studying at ESMOD in Paris, and will be blogging regulary on starting in Fall 2015!

Jenny Bailey : Having enjoyed a number of Parisian adventures between the ages of 14-25, this London-based writer heads to Paris whenever budget allows. Although the capital’s landmarks are impressive, she loves nothing better than sitting in cafés opposite these tourism spots, people and poodle-watching. Glass of red in-hand and cheese board within reach, she loves sitting back and absorbing all that Paris has to offer. Known on the wed as Bonny Bailey she is a writer, creator and above all things – a smiler. She loves travel, theatre, rugby and secretly believes she is the descendant of a Disney Princess. Mlle Bailey is a professional writer and journalist and writes gratuitously for Prête-Moi Paris with sponsored links (to earn her daily baguette!), and we are lucky to have her on our team!

Quinn C. of Quinntessential Style blog writes about fashion and style. She studied fashion at LSU has lived and worked in Paris, France and now is currently conquering Sydney. She has interned at Vogue Paris, and studied at the Sorbonne. She is a fantastically creative person and an incredible friend; as gorgeous as a model and as vibrant as a movie star. (I love her, can you tell!?!) 😉

Charles Gillman, is a makeup artist and fashionable darling of the Paris expat community. Originally from England he is conquering Paris and France one makeup brushstroke at a time. In his spare time he attends the occasional fashion show for Prête-Moi Paris, and always knows how to write a personal and entertaining review. Of his pet phrases, “Oh blimey” is one of our favorites!

Paul Waters, a trained pastry artist and owner of Cake & Bake, bake ware shop as well as the creator of Pastry Boy baking accessories, this young British expat has a drive for success and an eye for aesthetics. He is incredible dexterous with a spatula and behind his quiet demure lies a slight rebelliousness that sharpens up the sweetness he is known for in our Paris expat community. We love the contrasts of all the facets of Paul!
Audrey of Audrey Meets World, is a twenty-something-year-old American living in Paris where she works as an au pair. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and sociology, but travel is her true passion. Through three trips to Europe and a year living in France, she has accumulated extensive travel knowledge about Western Europe. Her future travel goals include visiting all of the European capitals before turning 30 and traveling around the world. In her free time, she studies French, drinks too much coffee and does yoga. On her blog she shares her travel stories and philosophies. Her dream is to be a freelance travel writer.
Good day!
I hope you are well and business is booming!
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I appreciate your time and await your response.
hi there,
I see you have a superb blog about Paris. Not sure if you have heard about our magic little museum in the heart of the 6th District. Mundolingua, museum of language, languages, and linguistics. It aims to make languages and the way they function heaps of fun, through interactive screens, a wide collection of related objects and numerous games.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Kind Regards from un musée pour s’amuser.
Hi there, we just published a list of the best Paris bloggers and you made the list (naturally)! Check out the post here if you’d like:
Well merci beaucoup ! I will share it on social media!
Oh dear… Link not working.
Your site is great!
I’ll be happy to contribute here from time to time if this is an option.
I am a photographer based in Paris and I also sell some of my prints on my blog:
Hope we can collaborate.