L’Atelier du Maquillage

Waaaaay back in the Fall, at the swanky Salons Hoche, I was invited to attend the launch party of the new eye make-up line by l’Atelier du Maquillage, a brand created by the popular beauty salons l’Atelier du Sourcil. The party was fabulous, with an amazing spread of hor d’oeuvres and an open bar, live music, and you could even get your eyebrows done at one of the beauty stations set up on one side of the rooftop even hall.
Atelier du Maquillage launch party :
As I was discovering their new product before even knowing about the concept of their service, I was more than intrigued to seek out a rendez-vous for an eyebrow makeover!So months later I finally got an appointment, and off I went to discover what had been described to me (in French) as “bluffant”. The “soin” was described to be me as being a face-changing experience, with the most minimal intervention (an eybrow pencil!). So off I went to try to fix my asymmetrical eyebrows (that I destroyed forever as a teenager trying to pluck them on my own) by the wonderful and carefully trained magicians they harbor like treasures in their eyebrow ateliers.
I was greeted with a warm and friendly “bonjour” and a charming waiting area with coffee or tea and a few cookies to nibble while patiently waiting my turn. There is also a display of all their different eyebrow products you can use to enhance your regard. Who knew taking care of that little tuft of hairs above our eyes could make such a difference!
Frankly I was convinced that they couldn’t do much to change my look or expression. But I was given an expert treatment, that changed my mind forever, and now I am totally addicted to sculpting my eyebrows, every morning.
Atelier du Sourcil from Prete Moi Paris on Vimeo.
I received the “Restructuration” treatment : The beauty expert used a tweezer and a brow pencil form most of the work. She added a little highlighter to enhance her handiwork before sending me off to gaze with astonishment in the mirror. My jaw dropped. I felt like I looked completely different. COMPLETELY. To others the difference isn’t as dramatic, this is normal, but when it is your own face, it can change that vision that stares back at you in the glace in the most unsettling (at first) and exhilarating way! My look had been completely restructured. I felt like I had eyebrows again!
The Atelier du Sourcil, launched their own brand of make up so that we can all have that expert look every day. They offer a wide range of products from eyebrow pencils in several shades, to mascara, and fortifying gel for your lashes. Their beauty salons also offer lash extensions, and semi permanent eye makeup. Now you can confidently bat your eyes at those cute Frenchmen and make them all swoon, and come running with flowers and date proposals!
The brand has their recognizable brow boutiques all over the city and region of Paris, as well as throughout France…and I think there are even plans in the making for an address in a foreign country!!!! Stay tuned for updates.